Our Story

Thirty acres of idyllic Hampshire downland, fifty-two thousand vines and four siblings with a desire to make something great, together.

Zam Baring

Managing Partner

Zam is the youngest of the Grange Wine siblings and, having spent most of his childhood splashing about in the sparkling, clear tributaries of the upper Itchen, he is very much enjoying discovering a similar crystalline clarity in the wine produced from this beautiful Hampshire downland.

Zam, Rose, Lucy, Mark

Four siblings

After careers in television, publishing, design and finance respectively, the time came in 2011 when we decided we wanted to make something great, together, on the farm. Something that would be more than a simple agricultural product, something that would stand the test of time, something that we could all enjoy.

English sparkling wine fitted the bill perfectly.

The Old Man

Father, former banker and wine-lover John Ashburton has departed for the Elysian Fields. Before his death he was an enthusiastic partner, especially once he tasted his first bottle – the CLASSIC being his particular favourite – and we imagine him drinking its heavenly equivalent at every opportunity…

We miss him.

Tom Bunning

takes beautiful photographs

Tom and his partner Jen and Tarka the greyhound have spent a lot of time over the last couple of years assembling a library of pictures that capture perfectly the mood of different seasons in the vineyard. Tom has also made wonderful images of our final product. Almost every beautiful photograph on this site was taken by him… and none of the less beautiful ones!

You can see more of his work here.

Vineyard apprentice Will in front of a wall of chalk

Will Francis

Vineyard Apprentice

Growing up shooting and fishing in the Hampshire countryside, Will developed a passion for the land he inhabits and what it can produce. This led him viticulture and, over the past few years he has been working closely with Sam the Vineyard Manager to help produce the best quality fruit in Hampshire, alongside completing a vineyard apprenticeship at Plumpton Agricultural College and since becoming Assistant Vineyard Manager. A key member of the team at the beginning of a long and fruitful career in viticulture.

Claire Hunt

Marketing and Sales

We were delighted to welcome Claire to The Grange, Hampshire in early 2020 to help spread the word. Whilst a background in sports sponsorship isn’t the most obvious route to fine wine, she has a passion for our award winning nectar and an unerring instinct for an undiscovered market.

juan montenegro

Juan Montenegro

Assistant Winemaker

Growing up in the capital of Chile, Santiago, Juan loved spending time in the countryside. After a few years working as a psychologist in Santiago, he decided to go to Australia. This is where winemaking joins his path and he worked in different wineries across Australia and New Zealand for several years. In 2018 he came to the UK to join Emma Rice and the team at Hattingley Valley, becoming Assistant Winemaker in 2020. He has a huge passion for winemaking.

Samuel Philippot

Vineyard Manager

Originating from the rather warmer climate of Montpellier in the south of France, Samuel grew up surrounded by vines and sun. Having completed his studies in Viticulture & Oenology, Samuel has subsequently discovered organic cultivation and managed a Domain in Bordeaux. His sense of adventure and eye for detail led him to join us in 2018 in our quest to grow the finest grapes in Hampshire.

Harry Pickering Head Winemaker at The Grange

Harry Pickering

Head Winemaker

Harry’s fascination with fermentation began with a lively batch of sparkling elderflower in his garden shed. Fifteen years on, with a first-class Winemaking degree from Lincoln University, New Zealand under his belt and having spent time with quality producers around the world, the opportunity to focus his attentions in a shed at Burges Field was too fitting to miss.